trash clean up

Fundraiser & Community Outreach


community & Campaign

Both community and campaign are the collective "us". We share the same home and the same desire to make that home better. Let's come together to do just that.

Our cleanup project is a win/win for community and campaign alike. Highest donator will choose the cleanup location and the campaign will organize and oversee the cleaning.

This event has concluded! Thanks to all volunteers and contributors for their part in making this event a success! Our team of volunteers removed over 7 tons of trash in one day. We want to thank everyone who donated and everyone who came out and volunteered their time to successfully clean up our home.Thanks to our highest donator, Tracey Woody, who's an avid champion against illegal dumping and an administrator of the AV Illegal Dump Reports Facebook page. For the most up-to-date information on keeping our desert clean and trash-free, please get involved there!

Donate Today

Donations to choose the the trash cleanup site are now closed.

If you would like to continue supporting the campaign, click the link below!


Thanks to all who signed up to make this event happen. We will be in touch.

If you'd like to support Mark's campaign in other ways, please contact us.



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